Monday, November 14, 2011

Someday, I'll be a Broadcast Journalist..

       I have high respect for broadcasters and journalists who are determined enough to know the TRUTH behind every single story.

        With this article, there was a statement that moved me as a Mass Communication student. “We asked our journalists to go after the most critical voices and to get the worst evidence against ABS-CBN they could find. Treat the story as if we aren’t ABS-CBN because we are journalists first.”

        This is one of the attitudes that all aspiring broadcasters and journalists should obtain, the courage to broadcast what is RIGHT, giving news to people fairly without any form of being bias. The strength to face TRUTH without even covering big names of people involved in a certain situation.

        I strongly believe that once you got the chance to be part of media industry, your main responsibility is to SERVE the people. Serve the NATION. Provide them the things that they deserve and need to know. It’s not your responsibility to please your Bosses. People rely on whatever information media will be providing. People deserve to know the TRUTH behind every single story.

        I remembered the time when I was told by my professor, “Media can make or break a nation.” This statement proves how powerful media is. But we should use this power to educate people and give them the sense of awareness within the things that are happening in our country.

        It is a lot easier for me to say this simply because I’m not in the position. But this is one of the things that I wish to have someday, the courage and strength to broadcast what is RIGHT. I want to be someone from the media industry who writes or reports without covering any faces. I want to reveal all dirty faces behind every mask of whoever is hiding from it.

        This is one of the things that I will bear in mind if ever I’ll be given a chance to be part of media, “We are journalists first.” A very short statement but contains a message that everyone in media should be aware of.

        I guess there are certain things that we need to do in order to be successful in this field. We need to set aside personal interests or intentions and serve the people and nation TRUTHFULLY. No matter if it includes taking risks because that is our responsibility, provide news even if sometimes it includes danger to our own lives.

         In my perception as a Mass Communication student, the deeper meaning of Broadcast means to deliver information with heart and all fairness, to provide REAL score behind every story without taking any sides and to be determined enough not to cover anyone’s mask.

        When I graduate in this chosen field of mine, I’ll do my very best to possess the above traits that I have mentioned and I will use it to serve my fellowmen. Because I know by heart, that these attitudes define the meaning of a real “Journalist”.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

One thing I'll never ever do in my LIFE..

People nowadays are being so selfish and insensitive and I seriously mean it. Especially when it comes to relationships. I hate it when a lovely couple is being separated by another woman or man. Well I know for a fact that this has been a looonnnggg time issue but it seems to be so "ON" nowadays even if it's not right.

Maybe the reason why I'm so affected is because I know how it feels to be cheated on, to be dumped like garbage and I swear to God, it really is painful.

I know because I've experienced this twice. It happened when my dad found a new woman to love. Which led my parents to have separate ways. Then it happened AGAIN when my ex boyfriend dumped me for another woman.

I just really find it cheap, unethical and pathetic. One thing that I will never ever do, steal someone else's HAPPINESS. It will never be my attitude to ruin a relationship just for the sake of being happy.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It's Christmas for Starbucksssss! :)

I've always been excited for Starbucks planner every year. Let's just say I'm an addict. And it's like getting a "special reward" from my addiction. :) Just this morning, it's their first day of releasing promo cards. And at 6.45 in the morning, I was outside waiting for SB to open. :) And TADUHHH, I now have my Christmas Tradition promo card. I should say that today's gonna be a good good day! :) First, I had my promo card on their 1st day already. Second, it's my last day at work tonight and last but not the least, I had my usual rituals this morning.

You know what it is? Stay at Starbucks, have my favorite drink, sit, relax, stare at people and wonder what's on their minds. I love doing all of these ALONE. It allows me to be free even just for a couple of hours. I always feel happy everytime they start to release promo cards, it makes me feel Christmas Spirit.

And I LOOVVEE holidays. It's a time for love, hope, happiness and forgiveness. I'm just really happy this morning, hope this will last all through out the day!

PS: One thing that added to my happiness today was the barista who got my order. HANDSOMEEE! Happy Morning everyone. Spread LOVE! :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

After being Deprived from Sleep: FINALLY! :)

Last night was the best sleep that I had for the past four months. Finally, Thesis is overrrrrrr! I just succesfully passed my defense and I felt so much joy. When the panel said "Congrats, you passed", I seriously want to jump and scream so loud. I felt so relieved. Because I know that I worked hard for it. I had sleepless nights and I've experienced too much STRESS. But indeed, it is over.

After being deprived from a good sleep, finally, I had been able to sleep peacefully. I slept without having to alarm my phone for meetings or revisions of my thesis. So it meant that I could sleep as long as I want to. I slept without having to check my planner for tomorrow's schedule. In short, I slept having an assurance that things are fine already. Although not all of my problems are solved yet, I'm happy that most of the things that gave me too much stress and bothered me a lot are over. And about the other problems that I have, I can resolve it soon, I know. :)

My goodnight prayer to God was different as well. For the past months, I prayed that he would give me more strength and determination to accomplish my responsibilities. I kept complaining like a little child every night that I was so tired and I felt like giving up. And then, I'll just burst out myself to tears during the time that I felt like I have the world on my shoulders.

But last night, I could not say anything else but thank you. He didn't disappoint me. In fact, he has given me the courage to fight and to continue believing that I can make it. Yes, he tested my faith and he pushed me through my limits. Simply because he trusted me enough and he knew that I could survive, and yes, I made it! I survived 1st sem of being a Senior!

And so I woke up having a smile on my face. Smile that I didn't see for months. It was a real SMILE. Life may be a bitch but God is moving. Just at the right place. Just at the right time. :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Single and Happy yet Hopeful. :)

My life is doing pretty good right now. Yes, I've been through a looooot. But here I am, stronger as ever. Others say I'm an over achiever. They wonder how I manage to accomplish different things at school while working. I just give them a big smile everytime they say those things.

Others think I have everything in my hands and they say that the only thing missing is a boyfriend. They keep on pushing, teasing and forcing me to have a boyfriend. Yes, I get jealous sometimes when I'm surrounded with couples. But I'm happy. Seriously. 

I just don't wanna settle for anyone who's around because I know in my heart, that I deserve so much more. I deserve a love that is willing to risk everything for me because I'm worth it. I've been single for quite some time now but I won't bother staying single for another more months or years as I know that there are no shortcuts in meeting someone who is destined for you. No shortcuts for someone who is worth having.

It's a cliche to say this but maybe, God is still really writing my love story. And If I would be single for another year, that won't definitely hurt. I bet it will give me an opportunity to grow and learn more. Just like what I have learned for the past two years that I'm single.

Whoever he might be, I know he'll find me. Or should I say, we will find each other. I know our souls will meet one of these days. And I will patiently wait. :)))))))))

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Starbucks Hot Chocolate Saved the Day..

Today was a very busy and tiring day. I was at school the whole day rushing for the revisions of my Chapter 4 and 5 Thesis. Then I went home just to change and make myself ready for work. I was on the cab and I realized that I'm 30 minutes early for work. And I badly need something to make me feel better. So I decided to have my Starbucks Signature Hot Chocolate.

As I was ordering my hot choco, the girl barista was smiling at me like I was her bestfriend. The other barista who was doing my choco politely asked me to wait while his preparing  my drink. How I wish I could always be at that kind of environment. A place wherein everyone wears a big smile. A place wherein I could just enjoy drinking my hot choco and just watch people. In there, it's like I could do everything I want and no need to worry about what will happen next. I just love the environment and I love the smell of the coffee. It simply renews my soul.

But that moment couldn't last for too long as I need to start walking to office and get myself to work. How I wish people at work and at home could have an atmosphere like Starbucks. Just a happy place to stay. Nevertheless, my hot chocolate saved the day! :)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

AdFest 2011: A Once In a Lifetime Experience

LEGACY may not be the group with an outstanding member from the class who usually has the capability of being a leader. And that was my number one fear. It's not that I can't but it's just that my schedule is so loaded to the point that I can't handle to have an additional obligation.

And so I was grouped with these people: Jordan, Albert, Jasmine, April, Lyra and Chas. By the time that I was grouped with them, I just said to myself, "We will make it!"

I was with them almost everyday having our meetings and doing things that we need to accomplish for the AdFest. Spent overnights with them during the shoot and I can say that I am happy I was part of the group. It was indeed hard. But working with these people made everything lighter. We worked hand in hand to finish all the tasks that we are obliged to do. Even the boys exerted much effort in fulfilling our tasks.

I can say that this has been the most memorable production I've experienced in my college life. Our hardships, sacrifices and efforts were paid off. We won 8 awards and I am so proud! We did our best. Each one contributed knowledge and ideas for us to obtain whatever trophies we have right now.

The bond that we had is something that cannot be exchanged even with a million trophies. Teamwork is what we have that's why we made it. Congrats LEGACY! So proud of you guys! :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

To be HAPPY again...

My heart feels really heavy this past few days. There are things on my mind that swallows me inside and the only thing that I wanna do right now is to have my Starbucks Signature Hot Chocolate and be alone even just for a day.

I want a single day wherein I could just breathe without worrying about anything. But because of my busy schedule, I can't find time to do what I want. Simply because I need to work and study at the same time. Others think it's easy but they don't know what I have to go through every single day. My everyday schedule leaves me too weak to function like a normal human being.

You know what I feel right now? It's like I have to be strong for everyone else and they don't even bother to ask if I'm okay. It's like I don't have the right to be tired and be weak. Oh well, maybe they forgot that I'm still HUMAN and I am getting fed up of everything that is happening around me.

Nobody knows how tired I am. I'm PHYSICALLY and EMOTIONALLY tired and I'm using the only energy that I have to smile, pretend I'm ok, and continue stuff that I am obliged to do. Life is being so harsh to me right now. And nobody understands how I feel, seriously.

I wanna be in a place wherein it's ok to CRY. A place wherein it is ok not to be ok.

Well I guess I'm not asking for too much, but I just really wanna be HAPPY again.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Mkaye's Brand New Heart...

Last night, before I sleep, I had my daily conversation with God. I'm certain that He knows what I have been wishing for all these years. Because I believe, he listens. I always ask him if my prince charming is on his way already. :)

Being single for two years gave me a different kind of happiness that I guess, I won't completely have if I'm with someone. It brought me to a deeper kind of relationship with my family and friends. And it made me a stronger person. It erased all the pain and bitterness that I had in my heart my before. Now I know, forgiveness comes in time and not always right away.

Now, I feel like my heart is brand new and ready to love again. It's ready to love without being afraid of getting hurt. Because this heart of mine knows, that if in case it gets broken again, I know how to handle it better this time and I know that God will always find  a way to make my broken heart heal.

I'm not being in a a hurry, whoever he may be, wherever he is right now, I am very certain that our paths will cross one of these days. I won't get tired of waiting. I won't stop from praying. I know God will grant my wish when it's destined for me to have it. :)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Lalalalaloveeee Youuuuuu! :)

Life at work was never easy. But she made it a lot easierrrrrr for me. She understands why I'm mean and why I love to hate people. HAHAHA. She gets it when I don't feel like being friendly and even when I don't feel like smiling. I don't have to explain, she just GETS it. I love how she laughs when I complain, complain, complain about school,  the swimming team, and school paper. I love her even if it pisses me off when she imitates how I speak! :DDD

We have the same perceptions about life and love. Others may not understand the way we think and how we view things, but that's how we roll. She believes in me and she has always been proud of everything that I do.

I will miss you Ate! PUH-ROOOOMISE. Good thing we have the same station so I'll just leave you a note anytime I want to. :) I LOVE YOUUUUU Childish! :))))))))))))))