Monday, November 14, 2011

Someday, I'll be a Broadcast Journalist..

       I have high respect for broadcasters and journalists who are determined enough to know the TRUTH behind every single story.

        With this article, there was a statement that moved me as a Mass Communication student. “We asked our journalists to go after the most critical voices and to get the worst evidence against ABS-CBN they could find. Treat the story as if we aren’t ABS-CBN because we are journalists first.”

        This is one of the attitudes that all aspiring broadcasters and journalists should obtain, the courage to broadcast what is RIGHT, giving news to people fairly without any form of being bias. The strength to face TRUTH without even covering big names of people involved in a certain situation.

        I strongly believe that once you got the chance to be part of media industry, your main responsibility is to SERVE the people. Serve the NATION. Provide them the things that they deserve and need to know. It’s not your responsibility to please your Bosses. People rely on whatever information media will be providing. People deserve to know the TRUTH behind every single story.

        I remembered the time when I was told by my professor, “Media can make or break a nation.” This statement proves how powerful media is. But we should use this power to educate people and give them the sense of awareness within the things that are happening in our country.

        It is a lot easier for me to say this simply because I’m not in the position. But this is one of the things that I wish to have someday, the courage and strength to broadcast what is RIGHT. I want to be someone from the media industry who writes or reports without covering any faces. I want to reveal all dirty faces behind every mask of whoever is hiding from it.

        This is one of the things that I will bear in mind if ever I’ll be given a chance to be part of media, “We are journalists first.” A very short statement but contains a message that everyone in media should be aware of.

        I guess there are certain things that we need to do in order to be successful in this field. We need to set aside personal interests or intentions and serve the people and nation TRUTHFULLY. No matter if it includes taking risks because that is our responsibility, provide news even if sometimes it includes danger to our own lives.

         In my perception as a Mass Communication student, the deeper meaning of Broadcast means to deliver information with heart and all fairness, to provide REAL score behind every story without taking any sides and to be determined enough not to cover anyone’s mask.

        When I graduate in this chosen field of mine, I’ll do my very best to possess the above traits that I have mentioned and I will use it to serve my fellowmen. Because I know by heart, that these attitudes define the meaning of a real “Journalist”.

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