Wednesday, October 10, 2012

For Now..

Exactly 43 minutes after clocking in for work. Sitting here in my office desk and I got 8 hours more. I'm looking side by side and I see the eyes of co-workmates getting heavy and almost ready to collapse to bed any minute. Got nothing else left to do so others just stare in their PCs and others are stealing quick nap.

Part of me wants to quit and find the dream that has been calling me ever since. But a part of me knows that there is a need for me to stay. I'm not sure how long. But I know I need to stay--just a bit longer.

Sometimes, there are several things that you need to sacrifice. And I guess this is one of those sacrifices that I have to take--for now. I hope several months or years after this sacrifice, I'll be wishing from above that my dream will still be calling my name. And I promise, I'll be vigilant enough for me to hear even just a soft whisper of that dream.

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