Monday, October 8, 2012


It's been awhile since I last saw my college friends. Been tied up at work and was pre-occupied with different stuff. There are times wherein I chose to be distant from them just a bit as I have my personal reasons. Reasons that should be kept within myself only so as to avoid hurting others. It's a battle that I've been struggling to fight every now and then. I was running away from my fear and it suddenly showed up right in front of my face. I realized that people are suffering in their own ways. And I got no right to cause them additional pain because I love them. People always say "We always hurt the ones we love." But not this time, I've caused pain too much and that's enough. I realized that I am still lucky, way beyond blessed I should say.

It's good to have a little "break" from stress and life every once in awhile. And it's nice to do it with people you value. With people who know you so well and understand every inch of your mood swings. This is the kind of bond that will tie us back altogether. No matter where life takes each and everyone of us and even if the going gets tough, it's still going to be "US".

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