Monday, October 22, 2012

Christmas Plans

I can feel the sweet and cold wind that brushes my face when I go to work. Which reminds me that Christmas is fast approaching. I'm planning to make this Christmas unforgettable and extravagant. Because this time, everything I earn is mine, got no tuition fee and school stuff to pay anymore. Hurrayyy!

Planning to give Mama a Blackberry. My mom's a simple kind of person, she doesn't get the point of why people need to spend so much money on technology. But I want to give her one because I know that even when she complains about these gadgets, I'm sure she'll love it! Next gift, I want to give her a Sony LCD 32 -inch television set. She wants to have it so bad, so this Christmas, I'm giving it to her without any doubt. :)

On the other hand, I don't feel the need to buy Papa the latest gadget as I know that he's always updated. So I want to give him a watch. What you need to understand when it comes to my Dad is that he only wears branded watches. (Yep! So metikuloso!) And this time, I'll try to measure up. I'm thinking of whether I should buy Michael Kors or Kenneth Cole.

I want to give them the best of life and spoil them in anyway possible. Fingers crossed. For 21 years of taking very good care of me, for 21 years of sacrifices and hardships, this will just be the beginning! More to go Mama and Papa! :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

For Now..

Exactly 43 minutes after clocking in for work. Sitting here in my office desk and I got 8 hours more. I'm looking side by side and I see the eyes of co-workmates getting heavy and almost ready to collapse to bed any minute. Got nothing else left to do so others just stare in their PCs and others are stealing quick nap.

Part of me wants to quit and find the dream that has been calling me ever since. But a part of me knows that there is a need for me to stay. I'm not sure how long. But I know I need to stay--just a bit longer.

Sometimes, there are several things that you need to sacrifice. And I guess this is one of those sacrifices that I have to take--for now. I hope several months or years after this sacrifice, I'll be wishing from above that my dream will still be calling my name. And I promise, I'll be vigilant enough for me to hear even just a soft whisper of that dream.

Monday, October 8, 2012


It's been awhile since I last saw my college friends. Been tied up at work and was pre-occupied with different stuff. There are times wherein I chose to be distant from them just a bit as I have my personal reasons. Reasons that should be kept within myself only so as to avoid hurting others. It's a battle that I've been struggling to fight every now and then. I was running away from my fear and it suddenly showed up right in front of my face. I realized that people are suffering in their own ways. And I got no right to cause them additional pain because I love them. People always say "We always hurt the ones we love." But not this time, I've caused pain too much and that's enough. I realized that I am still lucky, way beyond blessed I should say.

It's good to have a little "break" from stress and life every once in awhile. And it's nice to do it with people you value. With people who know you so well and understand every inch of your mood swings. This is the kind of bond that will tie us back altogether. No matter where life takes each and everyone of us and even if the going gets tough, it's still going to be "US".

Open Arms..

Everyone wishes to be surrounded with an awesome kind of love while growing up. God made me so lucky that he gave me the kind of family that I have right now. Very much wrapped in love and affection. It's the kind of chaos that every individual wants to be part of.

Ideal situation in life is that one day, you'll be married and start to build your own family. I've seen this cycle so many times within our circle. It gave me a bit of pain to see them go away but I am so glad from within as  I know that a new and fulfilling part of their lives are about to unfold.

I realized today that when the going gets tough inside a marriage, it's always best to run to your family and be showered with the kind of love that has never faded through the years. And I guess it'll never be. It's nice to bring back old memories and just "be there" for one another. I'm sitting and staring on how tears are rolling down from my cousin's eyes. It's the kind of pain that I haven't seen in her. But I am in awe with the kind of love that envelopes the tears in her eyes. It's the unfailing love and support that my family is providing.

We may hate and argue most of the time, but I'll forever be proud of the love that we are capable of giving to each other.